S3, EP02: Nirvana - Nevermind (1991) — with David Vienna!
Lori's thrilled to welcome bestselling author David Vienna to entertain us as we swim naked into Nirvana’s 1991 sophomore triumph, Nevermind.
From wearing canvas martial arts slippers in mosh pits and believing he was the next Kurt Cobain to meeting the guy who designed the Nevermind album cover, David Vienna's love of alternative music and fascination with Nirvana's cultural impact is the stuff of Gen X legend.
David Vienna: The musician

Get to know David Vienna:
David is the author of four books, the creator of “The CTFD Method” of parenting, and the genius behind The Daddy Complex, a parenting humor website where he chronicles misadventures with his wife and twin sons. In his eclectic professional writing career, he’s penned everything from reality TV scripts to the horror podcast Barren. His fifth book, Pretty Sure You’re Fine: The Health And Wellness Guide for Hypochondriacs, Over-Thinkers, And Worrywarts hits shelves fall 2022.
Official websites:
Twitter: @davidvienna @thedaddycomplex
David Vienna: The author
Calm the F*ck Down: The Only Parenting Technique You’ll Ever Need (2015)
Drinks for Mundane Tasks: 70 Cocktail Recipes for Everyday Chores (2017)
Are We There Yet? 36 Eye-Rolling Flowcharts from the Wonderfully Weird Brains of Children (2018)
Anyone Can Be President: The Super-Smart Guide to Being the Ruler of the Free World (2019)
David Vienna: The storyteller
Podcast Barren: When reporter Peter Sommers returns to his grandparents' farm in the wake of their death, he uncovers a horrifying mystery that challenges everything he knows about his family, his sanity and reality itself.